Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Email from Coach Jim Roselando

Date: 5/9/11
From: JJR info@apricotforesthall.com
Subject: Simple & Effective

Many people are often looking for a simple approach to cultivating their health and well-being but today it is extremely difficult to find this kind of training. It is all too common for someone to learn a complicated set from the Chinese internal schools with the idea if you repeat it long enough the inner mysteries will surface but sadly this tends to not happen. Others head towards the Yogic schools and learn dozens of different stretches and postures all with the goal of cultivating health and well-being. Both roads are without a doubt complicated and require a great deal of effort unlike Zhan Zhuang Qigong.

Zhan Zhuang Qigong is the root method of evoking healing for the mind, body and breath! The platform utilizes the principle of softness to loosen up the physical body, relax the breathing and quiet the mind. All three aspects gradually and smoothly return the body to the Natural State and can be practiced by people of all ages. With minimal effort you will revitalize your entire being and experience the wonders of a truly holistic and core internal art. Twenty Minutes per day is all you need! It would take longer to drive to the local fitness center than it would to get in a session of Zhan Zhuang Qigong.

Training Schedule:
10min Moving Post
5min Gathering Qi
10min Moving Post
5min Gathering Qi
10min L/R Hun Yun
5min Universal Post
5min Moving

See you tonight!

Jim Roselando


"The ordinary is the extra-ordinary" WXZ

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